The Set
The Set is a 1,000 acre community of Delray Beach's most diverse and culturally relative heritage. The neighborhood is comprised of the community's proudly celebrated Northwest/Northside and Southwest/Southside residential blocks, rooted by Historic 5th Avenue in the West Settlers and Frog Alley Historic Districts and powered by Downtown West Atlantic Avenue. The Set is home to Delay Beach's heroes - the advocates for justice and champions of equity - including the Village Elders, Northwest Southwest Neighborhood Alliance, The Set's Transformation Coalition and many other collaborative change agents and organizations. The physical boundaries are I-95 to the west, Swinton Avenue to the east, Lake Ida Road to the north and SW 10th Street to the south; however, the impact and reach of this community runs far, wide and deep - along its regionally neighboring coastal communities and from sea to shining sea across this nation. Love, Play, Grow and Groove... The Set is Where You Can.
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