FAMIILY REUNION MENU. MEATS: CHICKEN, hotdogs and Hamburger. Veggies: 6reen beans. Side Dishes: Potatoe Salad, Tuna SALAD, Mac n cheese Backbeans.... Dinner rolls. DESSERT: Cake : Meshell. Cupcake/ Cookies....utensils and supplies: Plates , Forks, spoons Napkins. CUPS. MUSTARD , Ketchup,relish, hotd9gs bun. HAMBUR6ERS BUNS. . DRINKS: WATER, CAPFI SUNS, CAN DRIN9S. MCGRIFF. SHARAD3S: 2. ME3HELL- BINGO,3. TANGELA. SCAVENGER HUNT. DECORATING: NEED FAMILY TO Set up.....and clean up.....Need Food servers..... head table: 5 people Uncle Leroy Geneva, Elise, queen and Herberlee represent olivia family.... Need lettuce cheese, tomato pans.......
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